Posey's Makeup and Beauty Reviews
For the love of anything beauty related.
Friday, December 24, 2010
I'm BACKKK......if you want me to be!
Leave a comment if you still follow me and still want me to blog!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My New Blog!
Please check it out as I will be trying to put a review up once a week!
Posey's Book Reviews
Thanks so much!
Look out for my Clarisonic Review coming soon!
Til next time!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I just wanted to drop by and tell you all about thrift/consignmet shops. We all always need new clothes, especially when seasons change, but not all of us have the spare money lying around to buy them (especially when we are spending our hard earned cash on MAKEUP!)
One thing i have been doing for years is bringing my clothes to consignment shops. Thift stores typically take donations, and do not give you money/buy the clothes from you. Consignment shops on the other hand do.
Some consignment shops will give you money upfront for the clothes, and others will give you a percentage for what your items sell for once they sell.
I really prefer the upfront because there is no waiting on your money.
Definitely go and check out some consignment shops in your area. Some are very picky about what they take, and others aren't. Ask how much per item they pay, when you get paid, etc.
For instance, yesterday I brought about 16 items with me, they bought 12 of them and I got paid about $35. My sister-in-law got 24 of her items bought, and she got $64.
You never know how much money is lying/hanging aroung in your closet, so go through your wardrobe for items that no longer fit/you wont wear and go get some money for them!
Any of you use consignment shops to sell your clothes?
Tell me about it in the comments!
Til next time(which hopefully wont be too long)!
Friday, September 4, 2009
I'm Back With a Review!! Prometheus Cosmetics!

This anti-oxidant right night cream works overnight to nourish and revitalize skin. It absorbs deeply to strengthen skin and diminish the appearance of wrinkles, while helping to restore vitality to damaged skin cells and accelerate new cell production.
Soybean and Vitamin A promote skin balance and even out skin tone. Natural Plant Extracts combat free radical damage, and Algae extracts increase skin hydration levels.
Lavender oil relaxes and soothes, allowing your skin to de-stress for the night."
Friday, August 21, 2009
Real Life Gets In The Way
First and foremost, I want to thank all of my followers who have been around since the beginning and all of my newer followers. I have always done this blog for you!
Second, at times, our real lives get in the way of our blog lives! I have always strived to regularly post on this blog, and did for quite some time! But, sometimes, I cannot keep that end of the deal.
Just to give you all some insight, I have always worked a desk job. In the AM I work at a desk job, and in the afternoons I was working at a job where I could be on my laptop and what not, so blogging was super easy. Now, I still work a desk job in the AM, but I now have a second job at a grocery store. So, as you can see, I cannot simply blog while ringing customers through the check lane! Lol. I am also working 50 hours a week at a minimum at all hours of the day/night. So when I DO get some time off, its usually spent eating, sleeping, cleaning or spending time with my boyfriend. Things I don't have time to do as much anymore.
I do adore blogging, and do read everyone's blogs still in the morning, but I dont always have time to comment, or to make a new post on my blog as much as I would love to!
BUT I'm not going away forever! If I try a product that is absolutely amazing, and I think you all need to know about it, I WILL do a review for you all. If I do an awesome look and have time to snap some shots of it, I will definitely make a tutorial for you all!
So, I may not be blogging as much, but I'm still here. I just dont want to make promises to post this and that, and than not do it! Id rather not make promises I cant keep!
So, I'm not saying goodbye, I'm saying Ill see you around, because I will!
Love to all!
Til next time!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Review: Prometheus Cosmetics Radiant Glow Anti-Oxidant Day Moisturizer

$18.00 for 1.7 oz. Can be purchased directly from Prometheus Cosmetics website.
This product contains grapefruit and sweet orange peel oil, so it does has a citrus-y orange scent. It is very apparent. I applied it this morning about 30 minutes ago, and I can still smell it. BUT I do not have makeup on. Once makeup is applied, I no longer can smell it. If you have a sensitive nose, or do not prefer citrus scents, you may not like this.
This moisturizer is slightly thinner than others I have tried, but not runny. The directions say to massage it into the skin. After it absorbs into my skin, my faces texture changes dramatically. On top of feeling super soft, my skin is INSTANTLY brighter. If you suffer from dull skin, this may help you!
Overall, I am very impressed with all of the products I have tried from Prometheus Cosmetics. There isnt much more I can say. This moisturizer would be great for people with normal-oily skin as it is super light. For people with dryer skin, they may need to use slightly more. It softens and dramatically brightens the skin which is something I adore in this product since I suffer from dull skin.
Keep an eye out for more reviews on products from Prometheus Cosmetics in the next few days!
Til next time!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Nail Polish Blog Spotlight
- Dr. Franken Polish This blog shows you how to create your own nail polishes by "frankening" colors together to make your own unique color. Not only does she show you her creations, but she tells you the exact measurements so you can franken the polishes yourself!
- Vampy Varnish Nail blog for us short nailed girls! Over at Vampy Varnish, she shows you beautiful swatches of polish collections from numerous brands, with spot on swatches and shows how they look on shorter nails!
- Scrangie I adore Scrangie's blog. She has GORGEOUS nails and nail beds! She as well shows amazing swatches and BEAUTIFUL bottle pictures!
- The Nailphile Siobhan over at the Nailphile has some of the most gorgeous long nails I have ever seen! I am so jealous! As well as showing lovely swatches, she also is a lover of Konad and details all of the plates and colors she uses to create her Konadicures (Konad manicure)!
Are there any other nail blogs you all visit? Tell me about them in the comments! I'm always on the hunt for more nail blogs to check out!
Til next time!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Review: Sonia Kashuk Blending Sponge

We all know how difficult it is to find the best tool to apply our liquid foundations. The Beauty Blender has been known as THE sponge to use for liquid foundation, but at $19.99 a sponge, there was no way I could even fathom spending that much on a SPONGE! Cue in Sonia Kashuk's Blending sponge.
At $9.99 it is half of the Beauty Blender. Can be bought at Target stores. Pricey for a sponge, but it is re-usable as opposed to disposable.
When the sponge is dry, it is smaller than the palm of my hand. Its (dry) texture is that of a stiff sponge. Once wet, it swells up the taller than my palm, and its texture is that of a soft, pliable sponge.
How to use:
To start, run under almost warm water. Squeeze the sponge to allow it to absorb water, ring out, and squeeze in towel to remove excess water. Sponge should not be wet, but now slightly damp. To apply foundation: either blend it over the skin like a typical sponge applicator, OR stipple it on the skin by bouncing the sponge over the face.
How to Clean:
Dampen sponge by running under water and squeezing the ball to allow it to absorb the water. Apply some cleaner (I use baby shampoo) and massage throughout the ball GENTLY. Massaging/rubbing/cleaning the sponge to roughly will cause you to rip it. Rinse sponge (like you would a normal kitchen sponge) This takes quite a bit of rinsing, then dry by squeezing out excess water in towel and allow to air dry.
I absolutely adore the finish this sponge gives when I use it with MAC Studio Fix Fluid. SFF tends to look cakey and mask like if not super blended, and with the sponge, I don't have to kill my arm to do so. It gives a super natural finish to my typically super matte foundation. It blends the foundation into my skin so effortlessly, and looks almost airbrushed. I prefer to stipple or bounce it on my skin as opposed to wiping/blending it over the skin. What I love the most is the pointed tip. It allows me to easily blend around my nose, and eyes. I can also use this with concealor for under my eyes or to precisely apply concealor to blemishes. Sometimes, I like to apply my foundation with my 109 brush, and then bounce this over the skin to completely blend it in.
Typically, I use 1-1.5 pumps of foundation for my entire face when I use a brush like the 187 or 109, but when I use this I find I have to use at least 2 pumps to get the coverage I prefer. Even though the sponge is very damp, it still seems to absorb alot of my foundation. Hence why I apply my foundation with my 109, then use this after to finish blending in the foundation by bouncing it on the skin. Another con is having to wet it before use. With normal disposable wedge sponges, a mist of water or Fix+ is suitable enough to dampen the sponge, but with the blending sponge, I would use a whole bottle of Fix+ attempting to dampen it enough. So I have to go to my makeup room, get my blending sponge, bring it to the bathroom, dampen it, dry it, then go back to my makeup room to apply my makeup.
Overall, I really do adore the finish this sponge gives to my foundation. As I stated, I like to apply my foundation with my 109, then to finish blending, bounce the damp blending sponge over my skin. This way, I still get the great finish/look this sponge gives without wasting a ton of my foundation when I use just the sponge to apply my foundation. The price is great considering it is re-usable. Not only can this be used to apply liquid foundation, but you can also use it to apply cream foundation, concealor, cream blushes, cheek stains, as well as any liquid or cream product like moisturizer, primer, liquid highlighters and so on!
If you're on the hunt for a new tool to apply liquid products or just sick of looking for a brush to give you that airbrushed look, I say go to your local Target store or visit http://www.target.com/ to purchase a Sonia Kashuk Blending Sponge!
Til next time!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Review: Clean and Clear Soft Oil- Free Day Moisturizer

Finding a moisturizer is a difficult task. Some make your skin too oily, some don't moisturize enough, or certain ones break you out. I had found my Holy Grail moisturizer from LUSH, Imperialis. BUT, it is expensive, and it expires, and shipping from LUSH is a pain in the toosh! Slow and expensive! So I was off on the hunt for a new moisturizer! I have been using this moisturizer for quite a while now (months) Let's see how it has worked out!
$8.49 from http://www.drugstore.com/. I have seen this for sale EVERYWHERE! From walmart, target, to my local grocery store! All for well under $10. Perfect price for the product!
What I love about Clean and Clear's Soft line is the scent! It has a light, super clean scent that I adore! It is noticeable as you apply it to your face, and within a minute, the scent fades. I typically don't care for scented facial products, but this one I don't mind one bit!
This moisturizer is extremely light weight, yet super moisturizing! I have dry skin, but it tends to get oily if I use a heavy moisturizer, so this one fits the bill! What I also love about this is the fact it has SPF 15. Of course it could be higher, but some SPF is better than none. The one thing I didn't like about this moisturizer at first was when I applied it, after a few seconds, it felt like I had a light layer on my skin, caused by the SPF. But now that I use it daily, I don't notice it at all, I just remember noticing it at first.
What is super amazing about this moisturizer is how it really makes my skin SOFT! Like a baby's bottom! In my opinion, moisturizer, whether it be for your face, hands, or body, should make your skin soft, which to me most don't. This moisturizer is different. As I apply it, my skin instantly softens. It makes my skin so soft and supple. Its unbelieveable.
Also, this moisturizer soaks in SUPER fast. Typically, after I wash my face, I instantly apply my eye cream, then this moisturizer. I keep them in my bedroom so I remember to use them right away. Then, I walk right into my makeup room and I'm ready to apply my makeup. That is how quick it absorbs!
Overall, I really adore this moisurizer. Its lightweight, yet super mosturizing, has a great scent, and doesn't break my skin out. And, it doesnt break my wallet either. I love that I can purchase this right from stores I visit regularly, and not have to pay and wait on shipping! If you're on the hunt for a new moisturizer, check this one out, you're sure to love it!
Til next time!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Review: Prometheus Cosmetics Wide Awake Eye Cream

After purchasing my first Pretty Pink Box, info here, I recieved a full size eye cream from Prometheus Cosmetics.
Info from Prometheus Cosmetics:
"Wide Awake Anti - Oxidant Eye Cream - This multi tasking eye cream is an instant eye brighter that provides deep hydration to smooth and soften fine lines while reducing dark circles.
Green Tea and caffeine reduce puffiness while cucumber soothes and cools upon contact. Vitamin E and soy repairs skin imperfections and discolorations while adding radiance to the skin. "
$16.00 for 0.5 fl oz. This is a decent size bottle and should last me at LEAST 6 months-1 year. I've had it for about 3 months and don't even think I've put a dent in it. I think the price is perfect for what you get!
I LOVE the packaging. I'm not a fan of tubs (hygienic reasons, yuck!) or tubes, because you have to unscrew the cap and that takes to much time (high maintenance much!). The packaging on this is actually really neat! If you look at the picture, there is a dark pink circle on top. You twist the bottle and that pink circle pops up and locks in place so you can pump it! You need less than a full pump for BOTH eyes!
Compared to MAC's Fast Response Eye Cream, this feels more like a cream as opposed to a gel/silicone like MAC's. On top of that, its super light, yet really hydrating! Like I stated above, I need less than one pump for both eyes. When I smooth it under and all around my eye, my fingers just glides over this product! It prevents almost all tugging even when I "rub" the product in. Im not much of a "tapping" person when it comes to the eye area, it annoys my finger, so I love the fact that this product causes no tugging while I rub the product in with my ring finger.
There is a super light, clean scent from this product. Like a cucumber scent. Very lovely.
All in all, I adore this eye cream, and when I run out, will definitely repurchase this!
If you're on the hunt for a new eye cream, check this one out at www.prometheuscosmetics.com
Til next time!